Getting website traffic, but few sales?

This is such a common scenario, but it can be fixed! You have your website up, you're trying to drive traffic to it from social media, but you're just not getting the sales you want.

I understand how frustrating this can be, but there are a few things that need to be looked at and addressed if this is happening. Don’t just give up!

The following are some (but not all) of the key reasons people leave your site without buying and what to do about it:

1) They are simply not ready to buy. They could be just checking out your brand for the first (or the first of many times) before they are convinced they want to take the plunge and make a purchase. It’s important to remember that it can sometimes take a person seeing your ads or visiting your website several times before that feel will buy.

>> The key here is to take a cold audience and warm them up during the process. Assuming these visitors are your target audience, keep re-targeting them with CUSTOMIZED emails, text, push notifications, ads, and posting on social media so they get warmed up and ready to buy!

2) Your website doesn’t give them a feeling of trust. As simple as this sounds, a lot of small businesses forget this step. If visitors think your website is some “China company” or “a scam” or just even that your website is not secure to take payments, they will look and leave.

>> So what are ways you can establish trust with visitors? Just a few among many include: adding real customer reviews to your website, adding trust seals and payment icons during the checkout phase (not necessarily on the bottom of the website), not having too many pop-ups, and having a professional non-dated look (hello, 2005 called and they want their website back!). Your website needs to be really be tailored to your target customer. Is your website still captivating them or is it just kind of blah? 

3) Your website is taking too long to load. As a general rule, people aren’t going to wait more than 3 seconds before your website is loaded enough so that they can begin looking at is. There are online tools such as GMetrix that you can use to test each page’s speed (this tool also gives recommendations on what you can do to improve your score).

>> Just a few of the general things to improve your speed include: Compressing images, getting rid of and limiting unnecessary apps, keeping image sizes only as big as you need them, & getting a better website host.

4) The website does not easy navigation. A confusing layout, too many unneeded navigation buttons, and just a lot of ‘clutter’ will leave your visitors confused on what your store is even about. They will leave your store out of frustration from too many options to click on that really just seem random more than anything. 

>> By putting your products into well thought out collections, you can create a really aesthetically pleasing and easy to use navigation menu.

These are just four important things to look at when evaluating your website. The goal here is, of course, to increase conversions and make more profit!

I hope you enjoyed these tips today. Until next time!

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